Saint Petersburg exporters online catalog

The Center for Spatial Researches ltd.

Company: The Center for Spatial Researches
Brand: Geointellect
TIN: 7839395070

About the company: b2b - platform (standalone, SaaS, marketplace) with the largest geodata coverage in the Russian Federation, as well as the CIS countries for assessing the effectiveness of a place for FMCG, HoReCa, banks, etc/ (geomarketing for Retail)
- b2G - Health - technology of modeling in the space of morbidity, distribution and cause-and-effect relationships
- b2G - Smart City - a platform for aggregating geodata about people, urban infrastructure to form a digital twin of a city

Export activities: since 2008
Trade geography: Finland, Uzbekistan, Qazaqstan, USA, Canada
Contacts: St. Petersburg, Afonskaya st. 2, office . 3-504
Tel.: +7 (921) 983-70-73 (Whatsapp,Telegram)

- Geodatabases