Saint Petersburg exporters online catalog

Gute Reise ltd.

Company: “Gute Reise” LLC
Brand: “Gute Reise”
TIN: 7802409658

About the company: We are Welcome Service Company "Gute Reise", which has been successfully running since 22 October 2007, at the tourist services market in Saint- Petersburg (Russia). The sphere of activity is domestic and international outbound tourism. The company is included in the uniform federal register of tour operators under the number МВТ 014043.

Export activities: since 2007
Trade geography: Germany, France, Czech Republic, UK, USA
Tel.: +7 (812) 380-88-47

• Reservation hotels;
• Organization transfers;
• Excursions in Saint-Petersburg and its suburbs;
• Organization food in cafes and restaurants of St. Petersburg;
• Transportation services – rental bus, minibuses, cars;
• Rental boats, helicopters;