Saint Petersburg exporters online catalog

Axioma Mironova LLC

Company: Axioma Mironova LLC
Brand: Viprok
TIN: 7816346711

About the company: Exclusive representative and supplier of vandal-proof wall coverings NEWMOR (professional wallpaper for public interiors: hotels, hotels, business centers).
Manufacturer of decorative wall panels VIPROK (own production, registered trademark).

Export activity: since 2005
Trade geography: Qazaqstan, Belarus
Contacts: 190013, St. Petersburg, Vvedenskiy kanal, 7, office 222
Tel.: +7 (812) 467-40-34

Wallcovering paper backed ( 4814200000)
Wallcovering textile backed (3918101000)
Wall panels Viprok (6809110000)